Translated by ChatGPT

In the previous article, we built a very basic website. This time, let’s take a look at some personal configurations I plan to make in 2024.

In fact, the original documentation and blogger lijunliang‘s articles have already provided very detailed instructions, which are likely clearer and easier to understand than what an outsider like me could write.

However, these articles might be a bit dated, and some additional configurations may be necessary in 2024. This article will briefly introduce the changes I’ve made.

1. Code Block Highlighting

In the original documentation regarding highlighting code blocks, it states:

Starting from Hexo 5.0.0 version, it comes with support for prismjs code syntax highlighting, and hexo-theme-matery has been modified to support it.

If the plugin of hexo-prism-plugin has been installed in your blog, then you need to execute npm uninstall hexo-prism-plugin to uninstall it, otherwise there will be {, } escape characters in the code block of the post.

Then, modify the value of highlight.enable to false in _config.yml at the root your hexo project, and set the value of prismjs.enable to true, the main configuration is as follows:

 enable: false
 line_number: true
 auto_detect: false
 tab_replace: ''
 wrap: true
 hljs: false
 enable: true
 preprocess: true
 line_number: true
 tab_replace: ''

However, the actual situation is that, by 2024, Hexo has reached version 7+ (check the version with hexo -v in cmd). In the official documentation, a new syntax_highlighter: highlight.js configuration has been added, so based on this, you need to change the highlight section in the root directory’s _config.yml file to:

syntax_highlighter: prismjs #declare prismjs
  enable: false
  line_number: true
  auto_detect: false
  tab_replace: ''
  wrap: true
  hljs: false
  enable: true
  preprocess: true
  line_number: true
  tab_replace: ''

The before and after effects are as follows:

2. Code Compression

In this article, the author uses Gulp to compress code and images to speed up the website. However, since 2022, some commonJS packages have moved entirely to ESM. For example, del v7.0.0 in the original commonJS no longer supports commonJS and ESM simultaneously but supports ESM only, as stated in the original text:

The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()‘d from CommonJS.

For these ESM packages, you need to use import() instead of require().

Therefore, a few additional steps are needed based on the original tutorial:

2.1, Installing esm

npm install gulp -g # Install gulp

# Install functional modules 
npm install gulp-htmlclean gulp-htmlmin gulp-minify-css gulp-uglify gulp-imagemin --save 

# Additional functional modules npm install gulp-debug gulp-clean-css gulp-changed gulp-if gulp-plumber gulp-babel babel-preset-es2015 del --save

npm i --save-dev esm -g # New, install esm

And rename the file gulpfile.js to gulpfile.mjs

2.2, Changing require() to import()

At the beginning of gulpfile.js, change all instances of require to import xxx from 'gulp-xxx'

Before change

>var gulp = require("gulp"); 
>var debug = require("gulp-debug"); 
>var cleancss = require("gulp-clean-css"); // CSS compression component 
>var uglify = require("gulp-uglify"); // JS compression component 
>var htmlmin = require("gulp-htmlmin"); // HTML compression component 
>var htmlclean = require("gulp-htmlclean"); // HTML cleaning component 
>var imagemin = require("gulp-imagemin"); // Image compression component 
>var changed = require("gulp-changed"); // File change verification component 
>var gulpif = require("gulp-if"); // Task helper calling component 
>var plumber = require("gulp-plumber"); // Fault tolerance component (continue task on error and report error content) 
>var isScriptAll = true; // Whether to process all files, (true|process all files)(false|only process changed files) 
>var isDebug = true; // Whether to debug display compiled files 
>var gulpBabel = require("gulp-babel"); 
>var es2015Preset = require("babel-preset-es2015"); 
>var del = require("del"); 
>var Hexo = require("hexo");
>Source: Marmalade's Blog
>Author: lijunliang
>Article link:
>This article is copyrighted by the author, any form of reprinting should cite the source.

After change

import gulp from 'gulp';
import debug from 'gulp-debug';
import cleancss from 'gulp-clean-css';
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify';
import htmlmin from 'gulp-htmlmin';
import htmlclean from 'gulp-htmlclean';
import imagemin from 'gulp-imagemin';
import changed from 'gulp-changed';
import gulpif from 'gulp-if';
import plumber from 'gulp-plumber';
import gulpBabel from 'gulp-babel';
import es2015Preset from 'babel-preset-es2015';
import { deleteAsync } from 'del';
import Hexo from 'hexo';

Keep the rest unchanged.

2.3, Starting Gulp Compression Before Deployment

The original steps for deploying the webpage to GitHub were:

hexo clean
hexo g
hexo d

Now it is:

hexo clean
hexo g
gulp # Start Gulp compression, console can check for errors
hexo d

3. Bilingual Personal Website

This requirement has not yet found a universal solution. Hexo provides a solution called Internationalization (i18n), which essentially involves creating separate folders for two languages in the source file and then placing articles in the corresponding folders. However, in practice, especially when applying a preset theme, various difficulties may arise. Some themes, such as NexT, have already adapted the feature for language switching. Unfortunately, the matery theme used in this article does not seem to have this feature. Of course, experts can achieve this function by modifying the code. But is there a simpler way?

3.1, Preliminary Idea

Of course, there is. Essentially, what we want is a set of different interfaces, so it can be understood that the main interface is in Chinese, and then by adding a suffix like /en to the URL, it jumps to the English interface.

In other words, we can directly create two repositories to implement the mutual jump between the two URLs.

Fortunately, in GitHub’s personal URLs, although an account can only have one free user page, there can be many project pages.

For example, is my user page, and if I have a project called myProject, the URL of this project would be

3.2, The Second Repository

This is simple. We copy the project folder of the Chinese website, rename it (arbitrarily named, but for convenience, I will call it myFirstBlog.en).

Create a new repository on GitHub, named en. The result is as follows:

3.3.1, Modify the Configuration Files in the myFirstBlog.en Folder

In the root directory’s _config.yml:

# Site
title: Hexo
subtitle: ''
language: en # Change to en

## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as ''
url:  # Add en to the original basis
# Deployment
## Docs:
  type: git
  repo: # Repository address for the en webpage
  branch: gh-pages # Push to gh-pages

In the theme’s _config.yml, add a button hyperlink to the Chinese page:

    url: /
    icon: fas fa-home
    url: /tags
    icon: fas fa-tags
    url: /categories
    icon: fas fa-bookmark
    url: /archives
    icon: fas fa-archive
    url: /about
    icon: fas fa-user-circle
  # add a Chinese button
    url:  # Directly jump to the Chinese site
    icon: fas fa-language

3.3.2, Modify the Configuration Files in the myFirstBlog Folder

In the root directory’s _config.yml:

# Site
title: Hexo
subtitle: ''
language: zh-CN # Change to Chinese

Similarly, we just need to add a button to the English site in the theme’s _config.yml:

    url: /
    icon: fas fa-home
    url: /tags
    icon: fas fa-tags
    url: /categories
    icon: fas fa-bookmark
    url: /archives
    icon: fas fa-archive
    url: /about
    icon: fas fa-user-circle
  # add an English button
    url: /en  # Can fully write
    icon: fas fa-language

3.4, Effect

After uploading to the two repositories and waiting a moment, you can check the URLs, the effect is as follows:

Chinese site:

English site:

3.5, Disadvantages

The disadvantages are obvious:

  • Two repositories need to be maintained separately, which is too troublesome.

  • Article content needs to be prepared separately because this only translates the main interface, the content of the articles still needs to be translated and uploaded individually.

  • Some code still needs to be modified to adapt to the English page. For example, some parts are not in English

  • ……

4, A Brief Summary

Here, I’ve dealt with some outdated tutorials from the original document and briefly mentioned some of my personal ideas about language switching. If there is a better way, please let me know! I’m eager to learn.